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This button will show my proposal and plan for this project. 

A proposal is essential towards the development of a game, providing a rough plan and set of ideas to compare against within the development of the project, also allowing to communicate these ideas with the reader.  

This button will show the outline of the planned world & story.

The world & story outline is a more detailed version than the one mentioned within my Proposal, allowing to effectively communicate the ideas of this project whilst also developing the lore and world of our game.  

This button will show my contribution to the GDD of Domesday.

A GDD is another vital document needed when creating any game, providing a clear vision of the project whilst also considering any limitations or potential issues to face.

This button will show my One Sheet for Domesday.

My One Sheet is a brief one page document providing the essential ideas and and conventions of our planned game - Domesday - allowing the reader to quickly familiarise themselves with Domesday and it's features through brief explanations of each area within the game.

These buttons will show Gantt charts for the pre-production stages of Domesday.

Planning is essential to develop any game, therefore I have both a personal and a group Gantt Chart to follow whilst in the pre-production stages of our game development cycle. Following this chart would allow for an  

These buttons will show the planned assets for the interior of Domesday.

Planning is essential to develop any game, therefore I have teamed up with the asset designers and have produced a list of planned/desired assets to full convey the theme of our game.

This button will show my Reference List for Domesday

Evidencing sources is vital to research as it shows the original sources of the subject being discussed and clearly evidences that it is indeed not your work. 


This button will show my Research List for Domesday

Planning is essential to prevent future errors, therefore planning a list of possible research sources would be benefical to future production


These buttons will show my Website White-boxing and Explanations

Planning is essential to prevent future errors, therefore planning the layout of my website would help prevent future issues with displaying my work. 


This button will show my Villian & World Moodboards

Planning is essential to prevent future errors, therefore planning the villain and settings early on in the development cycle would benefit future production. 


This button will show my Side Character Planning

Planning is essential to prevent future errors, therefore planning the side characters within our game/demo will help future development.


This button will show my Location Planning

Planning is essential to prevent future errors, therefore planning the locations within our game/demo will help future development.


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