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On this page is a list of all of the production I have developed throughout this project. Any work I have used from other teams is referenced as so.

This button will show the Finalised Script for Domesday.

This is the finalised compiled script developed by all of the writers - with their contribution being marked in the title of their work. 

This button will show the Opening Cutscene Script for this project. 

This script will cover the opening cutscene for our game/demo and would as both an introduction to our game as well as an overview of the world's setting. 

This button will show my Character Interaction Script for this project. 

These short scripts will provide the speech for character interactions within our game/demo for when the player talks to these NPC's.

This button will show my Script for the Marketing Video.

This script will be tailored to the marketing tailor and will be used within it.  

These buttons will display my finalised asset descriptions.

These are the final concepts for some assets that are in our game. Artwork/Images provided by Phil, our asset artist.


These buttons will display my finalised Character Profiles

These are the final character profiles for my NPCs, including artwork from our art team: Patch, Polo and Robert were provided by Tain and Teddy was provided by Bec.

'Advent Calendar' Mark 2
'Advent Calendar' Mark 1

Pictured above are the 'Advent Calendars' 

Pictured above are the advent calendars (Mark 1 & 2 Appropriately) that the writing team and I have produced to display at the exhibition.

This button will show a Poem made for the project.

I made this poem to convey my practical skills whilst also displaying the themes of our game/demo.

This button will show a Descriptive Piece made for the project.

I made this piece to convey my practical skills whilst also displaying the themes of our game/demo.

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