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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

  • Writer's pictureDan

'Advent Calendar' Mark 1

Updated: May 22, 2018

As mentioned in previous posts, the writing team plan to develop several displays to contribute for our exhibition, as to make our stand more appealing and interactive to the public. Today myself and the writing team started development of our planned ‘advent calendar’ piece. However, there were several complications that pursued.

To achieve a professional looking result, we decided to design the box’s outline before we started crafting it, therefore we would minimise time wasting and potential mistakes. We planned to paint a cardboard box fully black then layer the different colours needed over it, to create a more professional display than a plain cardboard box with our characters printed onto it. After that we were to print out the finalised concept art and a line of script to match, using the concept art as the window to open. With the concept art in place, we then wanted to cut out a window in the shape of that character, leaving one side uncut as to create the ‘advent calendar’ effect. Once the practical elements were finished, we would then add smaller card/cardboard were the windows lead to then stick the character scripts onto, therefore the window would reveal the script of the character opened.

Our first task was to acquire a good-sized measurement to fit all our planned windows without looking too cramped or too empty, therefore looking unprofessional. To do this, we first considered the size of the planned character art we were using, therefore we asked the art team would size would be best for their work. After consulting with the artists, we realised the cardboard box we would needed was bigger than originally expected and therefore we would need to find a suitable sized box. On the other hand this worked to our favour, if we did not plan before we started crafting, we would’ve wasted a lot of valuable time and resources – something we cannot afford within these stages of development. To combat this issue, we asked the head of media at our college if we could use one of their spare cardboard boxes used to store PC towers. With permission, we then used a spare box for our side project.

Secondly, we then had to paint the box, using the equipment we sourced earlier in the day; we asked if we could borrow some art supplies from the art department. With paintbrushes and paint palettes to hand, we brought some paint from our local discount shop. However, when leaving to buy the remaining tools, we were informed that we couldn’t take the money out of our team’s budget – resulting in us splitting the money personally. If we were to of planned this further in advance, we could’ve used our budget to purchase the needed supplies and therefore of prevented this issue.

Once we had everything we needed, we started to paint the box and start to form the ‘advent calendar’ idea. Once the box was painted, we decided to speed up the drying process by using a hair dryer – allowing us to layer the paint quicker and therefore progress faster. Once the box was coated in the necessary number of layers, we then decided to progress to plan out the windows and paint their insides to keep a thorough and professional look. By this time, it was the end of our college day and therefore we asked if we could store it in our current room overnight, so that we could continue to make it the following day. By storing it in our room overnight, we thought that it would prevent damage and ensure that it wasn’t lost – so our hard work didn’t go to waste.

Despite our precautions, the following day, we were informed that our box had gone missing and that we would need to start again. As to prevent our work going to waste, we kept the paint and decided to change our idea slightly – as to save time lost. We now plan to make a 2D version of this idea instead, using sheets of card instead of a cardboard box.

Overall, production of our advent calendar idea was unsuccessful but provided us with some learning experience and now we know to take further precautions in the future. I have also learnt that planning in advance can save a lot of time and will thoroughly plan our 2D version before leaping into production.

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