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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

Exhibition Time

Now that production has stopped and the hand in has passed, there will no longer be any Dev/Production diaries within this thread. To see...

Exhibition Ideas

As the exhibition draws nearer, I have discussed with the class and writers what we shall produce to exhibit out work effectively and...

Overall Scripting Decisions

Before I continue to develop my scripts, I have decided to note a brief formatting choice as to prevent future delays. By adopting this...

Finalising My Scripts

For the exhibition, I plan to have a bound script available for the public to read, therefore I need to finalise production of scripts...

Easter Break Goals

Today was the last lesson before the class broke up for Easter, therefore we each wrote down a list of what production work we wanted to...

Trip To Ace Gaming

Today the class and I visited a local games/comics shop named Ace Gaming in hopes of finding inspiration for our project, as well as find...

Editing The Improv Sessions

Today I decided to edit the recordings of our improvisation sessions in order to have professional sounding documentation as well as...

Audio Importance

Today, Cameron – the groups sound/Foley artist – and I discussed the varying levels of importance each sound has within each area of our...

Script Delays

Throughout the past weeks, the writing team and I have been focussing on fleshing out the side characters to our game, therefore there...

One Sheet Alterations

Today I revisited my pre-production work, to proof read before the checkpoint. Proof reading and double-checking work allows for a second...

Naming Locations

Today the writers and I discussed naming various locations seen throughout our game – therefore giving the artists a head start on...

Improvisation Session

Today the writers and I booked out a room and a Mini-Marantz from the college library in order to improvise our characters and therefore...

HUD Meeting

Today the level designers held a meeting with us, the writers, to explain, discuss and finalise their ideas for the heads-up display...

Half Term Goals

Today was the last lesson before the class broke up for half term, so the class and I decided to create a group list of what each person...

First Site Visit

Today the class and I have visited a local art gallery, named First Site, to see whether any exhibits would have a relevant application...

Dividing Scripting

Before the class officially enters the production stages of the game, I decided to give the writers a head start on starting their...

Definitive Mechanics

Today the level designers and writers held a meeting to discuss the definitive mechanics aimed to be implemented within the game/demo to...

Class To-Do List & Asset Discussion

Now that the production stages of our game/demo have started, the writers and I decided to visit each group within the class and discuss...

Asset List

Today a problem was raised in the form of game assets, neither of our assets artists knew that they had to create assets for the two...

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