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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

  • Writer's pictureDan

Asset List

Today a problem was raised in the form of game assets, neither of our assets artists knew that they had to create assets for the two newly created indoor spaces; the player’s apartment and the Café/dance club.

To resolve this issue, Jess and I created a rough asset list with them, showing the essential assets that should be made to accurately represent the location at hand. As seen above, we created a separate list for both areas, providing the essential assets needed to reinforce the theme of the room at hand. We asked the asset artists to try and design the items in the apartment to look dishevelled and unkept to reflect Lucas’ lack of consideration towards anything but his goals. This can also be reinforced by the cracked mirror and piles of clutter asked – visually showing the player Lucas’ general lack of conformity and respect he shows because of it. Despite the before mentioned items, we only asked for the essentials to make a liveable apartment, showing the lack of wealth Lucas has as well as giving the asset artists more time to work on other areas of the project – if we asked to much the game/demo might not have as many assets need to look and feel like a real game demo.

For the Café/dance club, we asked for less assets but they would require more work/detail as this location is quite important to the story, therefore needing to feel as immersive as the rest of the game/demo. For the assets in this location, we asked for them to look kept, with bold colours, in order to reflect the building – a local place for entertainment and therefore needs to look enticing. Focusing on producing tables, booths and various foods would reinforce the idea of a café – keeping the desired PEGI rating – whilst the vibrant colours of the dancefloor and disco ball would catch the players attention, forming the uniqueness of the building.

Overall, I think our asset lists were successful but, in the future, I would try to organise such things before they are needed as to prevent this problem from reoccurring. I would also make sure to increase the use of communication to make sure that all members of our group are up to date on current information, therefore reducing the chances of this happening again.

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