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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

  • Writer's pictureDan

Exhibition Ideas

Updated: May 24, 2018

As the exhibition draws nearer, I have discussed with the class and writers what we shall produce to exhibit out work effectively and utilise the space we have. By planning this early, we will have enough time to create what is needed and develop these ideas.

As the exhibition may attract more of our secondary audience (parents/careers) they might bring audiences that our younger than our target audience, therefore we would need to keep a whole age range occupied and engaged. With younger members of the audience, we plan on creating more interactive work – generally children get bored if they aren’t doing something and demand to leave, therefore our secondary audience would have to go as well. To occupy younger audiences, we plan to have an advent calendar style box, where behind each door is an NPC and something related to them; a catchphrase, description, etc. By putting these details into the doors, it also helps the younger audiences get a sense of our game and may interest them into talking with us as well. This also demonstrates our work and abilities, displaying that this could be a valid path for them when they grow up. With this ‘advent calendar’ the motion of opening and closing doors to find surprises should be engaging for long enough for us to hook and talk to our secondary audience.

Secondly, will bind the final compiled script for display. Doing this will allow anyone to have a glimpse into the script and gather an idea about what it means to be a games writer. This is also a good chance to display our work and talk through some of the processes we used to our audience - allowing them to further understand our game/demo whilst also providing them a chance to talk to us and ask any questions.

We (All of the writing teams throughout the classes) also plan to produce an interactive story using snippets from our scripts. Similar to our 'advent calendar' this interactivity will allow for a longer distraction for younger audiences whilst also demonstrating our work. To make this activity we will create a linear story line with each snippet used making sense, an example would be within children's activity where the adjective or noun changes but the overall story doesn't diverge from the main structure. This will also reinforce the minor educational themes/messages held throughout our game/demo as younger audiences can develop their reading and writing skills whilst engaging in our activity.

Lastly - If we have remaining time - we plan to build a diorama with other members of the class to make our stand seem more appealing to anyone, not just members of our audience. With this diorama we plan to build a replica of our game/demo dome and have important locations indicated through a glow stick/other visual representation. This might spark curiosity within people and draw them into our stand, therefore we would have a higher chance of talking about game development – more specifically games writing for us the writers.

Overall, this lesson was successful as we all now have a clearer idea of what we are contributing to the exhibition as well as now being able to start developing these ideas. In the future, I would plan and build these ideas, taking charge of the advent calendar idea as it is more central to the writers.

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