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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

  • Writer's pictureDan

Class To-Do List & Asset Discussion

Now that the production stages of our game/demo have started, the writers and I decided to visit each group within the class and discuss what they are doing and if they had any concerns. Doing this would help us, the writers, gauge a better understanding on the production side of other departments and would therefore give us more industry knowledge for the future, for when/if we wanted to join a games company or switch specialties. General conversations with other teams is also beneficial to both parties, by allowing us to know that we are on the same page and are still working towards the same vision.

Whilst talking to the other groups, we noticed that a lot of teams were concerned that there are several ideas floating around and didn’t know what to prioritise first, resulting in Jess and I making a list for each department that we haven’t already seen - showing what they need to do to make the demo functional. By making lists for the teams that need them, and not for the ones who don’t, we minimised time wasted by potentially repeating ourselves and avoided future confession about list duplications.

Once we made the list, we noticed the amount of work the asset artists must produce and asked whether they could keep up with the workload. They replied that they think they will be able to produce the assets needed if they were either not too complicated or if we wanted complicated to reduce the amount of 3D characters we wanted. With this, we decided to ease the workload from them and asked them to instead build fewer character models and focus on producing important elements of the game, with our thoughts being that there was no point in having 15 unique tailored characters if there were no textures/models for the rest of the game – therefore making a playable demo like stated within our proposals.

Overall, I feel that, despite not benefiting our own goals/checkpoints, today's session helped the whole classes productivity and efficiency – a trade I see as being invaluable because they are the ones producing the physicality’s of th

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