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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

  • Writer's pictureDan

Creating Our Project Idea

Updated: Mar 8, 2018

Today the writers and I sat down to mind map some basic ideas of the game to write down a rough draft to present to the class. This draft was given the stimuli of the game including: Action/Adventure, Cyber Punk, Pegi 7 with an undecided target audience.

Through this drafting phase, we implemented our previous knowledge of the genre in order to hasten the development of the creation process and therefore managed to progress into creating a rough presentation for the class, not just a pitch.

Whilst forming our ideas, we kept in mind our previous experiences with the genre/theme at hand but ultimately we kept the other teams in mind when making decisions - to allow for all of the class's teams to have work to do. An example being that we decided on an underwater setting to allow the artists to draw both natural and non-natural assets, depending on their strengths. We also thought that the sound team would have a multitude of options when creating sound for our game, with having different "districts" within the underwater domes. We decided to consider this now as it would create a solid set of foundations to our work and prevent any future issues with workload delegations through all teams, not just the writers.

Through this process, we created short profiles of the three main characters (Hero, Villain, Sidekick - as seen in the picture above.) Due to our game being from the perspective of the "Villain", we decided that some tropes will be reversed, such as the "Hero" being the unlikable character. This was also decided because the player will be controlling the villain and therefore the player can form a bond and find the player character likeable - an unlikable protagonist might put our players off of playing our game.

After finishing the drafting, we pitched our presentation to the class, explaining the before mentioned points to them as well as the as the concept as a whole. With only a few minor tweaks, thanks to the class's responses, our game idea was well received and ready to be developed. One tweak suggested was that we should focus on particular areas instead of just developing the whole project, so then the class can develop at least one stage of the game in detail. From this advice, we decided that we would focus on developing the background of the beginning stages of the game, therefore the class would not have an impossible workload. From now on, we will produce a demo game of our overall game concept, with the demo taking place within the tutorial stages of our game.

Overall, I think that this session was very successful as we have produced an advanced idea of our game/demo, with the class receiving our pitch extremely well. From today, I have learnt the concept of our game and can now develop the foundations further - to produce an enjoyable game demo. I have also learnt that I should now focus on giving my team tasks to develop the essential material in our game, to allow the other teams a chance to start and progress their own work. To do this, the writers will produce a Gannt Chart (Or similar time measuring document) and follow this strictly - as to not delay the other teams' developments.

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