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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

  • Writer's pictureDan

Developing Ideas and Characters

Updated: Mar 8, 2018

Today Jess and I started to produce mood boards and profiles for: the main characters, plot and settings, to then give to the class - the artists in particular - so they can start working on producing their needed material.

Due to one writer being absent, Jess and I had to split the tasks between us in order to produce the material needed on time to prevent a delay in the rest of the class. Utilising our strengths, I took the profiles and mood boards of the story and plot as well the Villain mood board in order to delegate the tasks equally and prevent stress.

I started these tasks by producing the Villain mood board, so that Jess would have all of her character materials together to present with me within the future. We discussed our ideas and intentions for the Villain before writing/discussing our opinions, therefore it was a matter of producing a digital document to show. Because of our pre-planning, the villain mood board was produced quickly and efficiently to be displayed to the rest of the class.

In conclusion, I feel that this period was successful due to our enthusiasm and hard work to pick up the extra work given to us. Despite the minor set back, we managed to produce the materials needed in time for the class to use them, therefore our work was not in vain. Using this experience, I will keep in mind the other teams when producing work and be weary of how much work we are giving them, in order to prevent them from experiencing the same that we did.

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