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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

  • Writer's pictureDan

Easter Break Goals

Today was the last lesson before the class broke up for Easter, therefore we each wrote down a list of what production work we wanted to complete of this break – to hopefully replicate the success that came from a similar task completed earlier in the project.

For this task, I listed all of the tasks that needed to be completed by the whole writing team – due to absences, we haven’t managed to discuss future workload and therefore, I cannot decisively say which piece of work is mine. By listing all of the work needed to be produced, It has reassured me not just as a writer, but as a leader that we are on track and are hitting deadlines – As explained in a previous post, we had moved two deadlines in order to better suit our game and its development, with our game needing side characters to be included within the main gameplay.

Within this list, I have chosen to prioritise ‘Finish Scripting Side Characters & Quests’ due to its urgency and upcoming deadline. With this being the main focus, I would then be able to develop and finalise it to a professional standard whilst not delaying its checkpoint; therefore, potentially disrupting the workflow of teams reliant upon that document. I also feel that, by completing this task first, it will give me more time to spend dedicated on producing the profiles - instead of splitting the workload and producing two rushed documents.

Over Easter, I followed my plan - therefore allowing me to finish producing my side character script, including the appropriate quests - and now I await the rest of the script from my fellow team members, to format and produce one overall document. Using this time, I also managed to produce an analysis/evaluation of the produced script to explain it within more depth and discuss the decisions I made whilst writing it. Throughout these stages, I felt that my use of time was very productive and managed to complete this time relatively quickly – allowing me to continue producing working different to this one.

After producing the script, I continued onto my next task, however I encountered a problem; the tasks remained undivided – creating a barrier to progression. To solve this issue, I contacted the writing team and informed them of the work. Within this discussion, we each claimed a set of profiles each, splitting the workload equally. Now that this issue had been solved I faced another one; with each of us producing different documents, the styles and formats may change with it – with our profiles needing to be coherent if they were to be displayed at any point within the exhibition stages. Creating a base template to build off, I solved this problem – by each writer using the same format template, the profiles will be consistent. However, creating this came with a cost; I had used up valuable time that could’ve been dedicating to producing the profiles at hand. On the other hand, I thought that, by using this time now, it would save the writers and I time in the future – thereby preventing a possible issue.

From my experiences with half term breaks, I feel that the planning documents mentioned at the beginning of this post are very beneficial to the development of our game/demo – providing us with a checklist to work and allowing to keep work fresh in our minds. Within the future, I will make sure to replicate this method and utilise the time I have to progress/catch up with work needed. Overall, I feel that I have been very productive and have efficiently managed my time to produce most of the work stated originally within my planning document. However, if I were to attempt this Easter break again, I would’ve planned to produce the profiles beforehand – eliminating the time spent within the holidays and allowing me to produce more work. Despite this, I managed to produce the work of necessity whilst also completing several tasks of personal work, a moderate success.

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