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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

  • Writer's pictureDan

Half Term Goals

Today was the last lesson before the class broke up for half term, so the class and I decided to create a group list of what each person wants to do over the period we are off – to remain productive and not lose interest or forget what progress we have made.

For this list, I wrote that I wanted to plan my contributions to the main script as well as the marketing trailer script, with hopes of starting the trailer. I chose to concentrate on producing the trailer and its concept over prioritising the main script because I thought that the trailer would be better served as a practice run for the main script – by learning from any mistakes encountered whilst producing it. I also felt, by focusing on the marketing trailer’s script, that it would benefit the whole writing team – not just me – as not only will I have a better knowledge to give to them when producing the main script but I would also complete a further checkpoint early: Producing material for a marketing trailer, therefore reducing possible future stress and alleviating any pressure if we needed to spend more time producing a particular piece of material.

Over the break, I was able to produce the first drafts of the marketing trailer to be shared with the team, not just a concept like planned originally – however, by producing the first drafts of the trailer I was unable to produce more than quick written notes for the main script. Despite over-achieving upon one of my goals, I fell behind on the other – potentially affecting future workflow. To prevent this from happening, I will focus on producing a script together, with the whole writing team focussing on producing their designated scripts – reducing possible delays.

On the first lesson returning from our break, each student was issued the above form to fill, providing an estimate of our accomplishments and possible improvements. Despite not producing the main script idea like planned, I managed to produce some more personal work, such as research documents and posting development diaries, not just drafting them – of which I was falling behind on, due to concentrating more on producing work with/as the writers. By catching up on work, not only am I back on track, I have also completed a couple more documents than necessary – providing me with a safety buffer of work for if a start to fall behind again in the future.

Overall, the half term break had various elements of success, I managed to complete the first drafts of the marketing script and managed to get ahead on both personal and group (writers) goals, however I still need to produce a script with my fellow writers and produce it by the checkpoint to give to the other teams that might need it. As stated before, to prevent falling behind on the script, I have/will start planning/producing the script with the writing team – allowing for a quick and efficient production off the script at hand.

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