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Within my blog, I have separated my diaries into two categories:

Development Diaries - These posts discuss changes and alterations to my work, planning for future development and reflecting on the task at hand.

Production Diaries - These posts will discuss and evaluate my decisions when creating any final pieces of production. 

These diaries may not be uploaded within the exact order made - some of them have been developed upon throughout the project, an example being my production diaries, and therefore may appear in the 'wrong' places.  

  • Writer's pictureDan

Script Delays

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

Throughout the past weeks, the writing team and I have been focussing on fleshing out the side characters to our game, therefore there has been a delay on producing the script.

Despite being an essential feature for both our team and the game/demo, the writing team and I decided it would be best to temporarily put script production on hold to focus on developing the side characters within our game. We decided this because our game is unique and the checkpoint criteria doesn’t account for that – the fact that our side characters are a heavy importance to our game, almost as important as our secondary characters – therefore they would need to be scripted within the bulk of our game. Due to how far the checkpoints are from each other (Full script deadline circled in green and the side character stories circled in red) the script would’ve been finished and fully drafted by the time we designed our side character stories, therefore the heavy focus of our game would not be included within it – degrading our game/demo in the process. To stop the misrepresentation of our game/demo in the exhibition, the writing team and I swapped the deadlines so that we could adjust the script to include all the side characters needed.

Doing this would create several problems, so we discussed this with the teams that would be affected by this change, the level designers in particular. Within this discussion, the other teams backed our decision and wouldn’t mind the delay in our resources - as long as it was necessary and we were being productive to include the side characters. With their approval, the script has been delayed in favour of developing the side characters of our game and therefore our developing the uniqueness of our game. On the other hand – In order to assure that we/I fall further behind the original planned schedule - I have produced the introductory cutscene for the original deadline and the final cutscene is currently being developed within its final drafting by another member of the writing team, therefore the original deadline was not a total failure.

Overall, the last weeks haven’t gone to plan and would’ve needed better preparations/planning if we were to attempt to do this again, however, we have produced two out of three main scripts needed on time and will have the side character interactions/ stories full developed by their original deadline, therefore the writing team and I are not as behind the original target as perceived. For the future, I will revise our checkpoint list and see if there are any other potential errors like this one and seek to correct them before this situation repeats itself. I will also work with the writing team to produce the last few drafts of the gameplay/side characters script in order to complete it before the original deadline, consequently, propelling us ahead of schedule.

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